Brenda Riddle Designs
My Cottage Home - Sample quilt
A cottage. . . on a tree lined lane, or by a meadow, or on the shore, or in the mountains. . . anywhere it might be - a cottage is my dream home. All that a cottage brings to mind - simple times, comfy surroundings, & surrounded by the gentle reminders of all of the best of times gone by. . . that is what fills my dream cottage. But until that time comes - I have put down some of those cottage dreams into this very special appliqué quilt. I had so much fun creating it & I hope that you will too.
58" x 70"
If you would like to purchase this quilt, please send a comment by clicking on the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of the page - or send an email directly to me at brendariddledesigns@gmail.com & I will send an email that explains the payment options & the order & shipping process. Please be sure to specify the name of the quilt in your inquiry.
All prices listed include shipping within the United States. If you live outside the US - Please provide your shipping address & I will figure in the difference in the cost of shipping for your consideration.