Catching up... & saying good-bye
In the past several weeks, I have started a journal post many times… but each time it has been put aside. Why I wasn’t following through - I still can’t put my finger on, but I’ve decided just to start fresh and so here I am. Compared to what I post, you’d be surprised how much I ‘compose’ posts in my head, but it’s always while I’m in the midst of doing something else… out in the garden, working on new fabric designs (& I can’t share!), or on a walk with Emmie…So, I think about you so much more than I show… really!
I realized that I need to literally make a time each week to communicate here - & to quit wondering if anyone will care about what I share. So that’s my plan. Some weeks, I hope it will be full of new, fun things, but I know there will be weeks when I’m working on things I can’t share for often a months or even a year ahead. That is when it’s so hard to write posts (!) - but I promise to try.

To bring things up to date - my latest fabric collection Ellie is now at the mill. (Ellie is scheduled to arrive in shops in October.) I’m also told the strike-offs for the next collection should be arriving soon & so I’m looking forward to seeing them. It’s always a little bit of a hold-your-breath feeling until they arrive. Thankfully the design team at Moda will see them first, & if there are ‘tweaks’ that need to be made - they give you a little heads-up before the arrive on my front porch.
I also want to say a great-big “thank you!” to everyone who shopped the fabric sale I had on the website… Wow folks! You kept me so very busy for many days! I love all the fabrics that I had held onto (many for so long!) - but I’m so happy they have found new homes with many of you!
Next up will be some bundles that I’ve been keeping… & I’ll let you know when I’ll be getting all of those ready.
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been keeping myself very busy in the backyard garden, installing some new drip irrigation lines… before the summer temperatures arrive. It’s also kept my mind occupied & that has been a blessing. On the evening of May 7, I received a phone call from my niece letting me know that my sister, Marsha had passed away. We knew she was dealing with so many health issues (all complicated by her type 1 diabetes), but she was always such a champion. She continually rose above her struggles & was always joyful in each day she was given. But this was her time. She had become more fragile over the past few months & was having a harder time overcoming her struggles. A few years ago, she had a big scare - as she went into ketoacidosis & went into a coma, as well as several other medical issues all happening at the same time. She miraculously survived & since then we spoke a lot on the phone, often daily. I treasure each & every one of those conversations.
She loved the streaming television series, ‘The Chosen’, & we always had wonderful conversations about how much more real this series has made Jesus to us. After her coma a couple of years ago, she shared that she wasn’t sure if she was dreaming, but she knows that she was walking with who she knew was Jesus, but she was just behind his shoulder & couldn’t see his face. She remembers that she felt so comfortable, & at peace, but He gently told her it wasn’t time… not yet. She still couldn’t see his face… & when she woke, she could remember it so clearly. We laughed when I said that maybe she couldn’t see his face because if he didn’t look like Jonathan Roumie, (the actor that portrays Jesus in ‘The Chosen’) - she might have been disappointed!! :-) We giggled at that many times since, but I know that as she left this earth, into the presence of our Savior, what the actor that portrays Jesus looks like was forgotten. She was in Jesus’ presence… face-to-face. I smile when I think of that now & while it’s bittersweet, I’m so joyful in knowing she is eternally in His sweet comfort & peace, & that we will be reunited someday. I so miss our phone calls, & listening to her share about her days & her ten grandchildren. As she shared about how she felt knowing her time here on earth could end at any time, for her she always said it was a, “Win - Win”.
This is one of my favorite photos of Marsha (With Dad, in prayer, at one of her daughters' weddings.)
I miss you Marsh… Hug Mom & Dad for me.
Brenda, I just found this when I got your new email yesterday.
I am sad and sorry for your loss.
The months have gone by, but I know the longing and memories will always remain. Just know you are not alone.
big hugs to you dear
Hi Brenda,
Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You have added so much beauty and authenticity to your community here. I’m so grateful.
What beautiful memories of your sister…… I’m so very sorry for your loss. The stories you shared about the impact of The Chosen are meaningful to me. So many people have found, renewed, or strengthened their faith through this series. May your memories and your faith continue to sustain you…….
Thank you for your creative spirit, also. Your fabrics and quilt designs reflect a gentle, peaceful spirit that I find comforting. I am loving your book, Acorn Cottage, and I’m looking forward to adding some new patterns tonight, also.
Blessings and love to you,
Hi Aunt Bren..I just love you so much & thank you for writing this about Mom. She loved you so much and I’m thankful God chose you to be her sister. What a blessing you’ve been to her over the years-something I’ll forever be grateful for! LYB as mom would say (love ya bunches!)
So sorry to hear about your sister. She sounds like a wonderful person and I am glad that she is at peace now. I never had a sister but miss my mom every single day. I don’t think the missing that one person you always think of when you want to tell of current stories ever really ends but we make peace in the fact that we will meet again one day. Love and hugs to you !!!
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story of your sister. I know she is looking down on you and sending her love always.
Good morning Brenda,
I am so sorry to hear about your sister. It is so wonderful to hear that you know that she is with our Saviour in Heaven. I believe that because Jesus knows you know that your sister is with Him, He will be giving you extra strength to endure these earthly challenges.
From one Sister in Christ to another Sister in Christ
So sorry for your loss. What beautiful memories of your sister. May you find comfort knowing she is with our Lord and in a much better place.
So sorry for your loss! But what blessing to have those good memories and her story about walking with Jesus is very special . Glad she is healed now with him!!
So sorry I still miss my sister after many years 🙏💕
Thanks for giving us your update. I’m so sorry you have lost your sister. Hugs to you, you have such a beautiful heart!
So very sorry for your loss….
Very, very sorry for your loss! Gentle hugs and healing prayers!
I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s been a tough couple of years. You are in my prayers ❤️
Heartfelt condolences at the loss of your sister. I can’t even imagine the loss of loosing one of mine.
Bren, You are loved like one of my sisters.💝
Oh Brenda! I’m so sorry you’ve had another big earthly loss, but it’s so great you share the gift of knowing Jesus with her. That’s a wonderful photo of your sister and your dad praying together. Wow! I pray God will fill the empty space she leaves with the wonderful little surprising gifts He sends in our times of need. Blessings! Karen Shackleford
Oh, Bren, I’m so very thankful to know you are planning to journal more often. It will be so wonderful hearing from you! Super excited about Ellie too!
I’m extremely sorry to read of the passing of your dear sister. We will keep you extra close in our prayers. Yes, she is in the loving arms of Jesus, and yes, you will all be reunited in God’s perfect timing. In the meantime, it hurts terribly to lose someone you love so very much. I know you miss her more than words can say. In time, those awesome memories will warm your heart and bring you such smiles and peace – some might even say hugs from heaven. Please know our hearts truly go out to you. Please take real good care.
So poignant, Brenda. I’m so glad you had time with her the past few months. Lots of love, a big fan
I am so sorry for your loss. As you know even though she is in a better place she will be missed immensely. But now she knows his face. You are in my thoughts and prayers.