Moda All-Stars 'Mix It Up' Blog Hop
HI Folks! Welcome to day 3 of the ‘Mix It Up’ blog/social media hop!
Martingale & Lissa Alexander (of Moda Fabrics) have compiled another wonderful (& fun!) book that features sixteen designers - sixteen quilts - & all the fun that you can have with Carrie Nelson’s (Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.) incredible Cake Mix & Cupcake Mix Papers!Now, I’m not one that jumps on every notion bandwagon that comes along… but I LOVE using papers for making half-square triangles - & Carrie has taken in to the next level by putting together papers that you can use with either Layer Cakes (10 “ squares) or Charm Packs (5” squares) & that provide seemingly countless options for quilt blocks. Then - you add the ‘Mix It Up’ book - filled with more ideas & quilts you can make using these papers & you’ve got an amazing source for quilts to make for yourself - or for the perfect gift… (& you’ll have so much fun in the process!)
I am so happy to be one of the designers asked to design a quilt for ‘Mix It Up’, & I had a ball in the process! My quilt is called ‘Rosebud Pinwheels’, & uses the smaller Cupcake Mix papers, a few charm packs & some background fabric.
As a part of this fun blog/social media hop, We’re also doing a giveaway! How would you like a chance to win not only this amazing, fun book, but also 2 layer cakes (including my upcoming Bramble Cottage & some Bella Solids) and some cake mix papers!
I feel so blessed to be a part of this fun… so to enter, simply leave a comment with what you are most thankful for as we enter this holiday season. The winner will be announced on Saturday morning, November 9. (… & don’t forget to come back to see if you’ve won!)
Below you can find the listing (either Instagram or website) of all the other designers who are participating in the ‘Mix It Up’ hop - so be sure to visit them for more fun & chances to win more prizes!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
♥ Bren
Monday- 11.4:
Susan Ache - @yardgrl60
Betsy Chutchian - @betsy_chutchian /
Martingale - @martingaletpp /
Tuesday - 11.5:
Zen Chic-Brigitte - @zenchicmoda /
Laurie Simpson - @minickandsimpson /
Moda - @modafabrics /
Wednesday - 11.6:
Kansas Troubles-Lynne - @lynnektq /
Brenda Riddle - @brengr /
Corey Yoder - @corianderquilts /
Thursday - 11.7:
Bunny Hill-Anne - @bunnyhilldesigns /
Lisa Bongean - @lisabongean /
Me & My Sister - @meandmysisterdesigns /
Sherri McConnell - @aquiltinglife /
Friday - 11.8:
Janet Clare - @janeteclare /
Pretty by Hand-Kristyne Czepuryk - @prettybyhand /
Sweetwater - @sweetwaterfabrics /
American Jane-Sandy - @sandyklop
I am most thankful that my family is healthy. Have a blessed holiday season.
Love your fabric choices! So dreamy!
I’m thankful for my kids.
I’m Thankful for my family and my health and that I’m able to homeschool our son who is on the autism spectrum. Quilting has been a great therapy release for me. I made 1 cake mix quilt #4 in a class taught by Carrie Nelson, such a sweet lady, I’m super excited about this new book and eager to do a new cake mix quilt!
I am thankful for family most of all, but I’m also thankful that I’m a quilter. Being a quilter has filled my life with joy (and lots and lots of fabric) and lots of quilts for my family.
Family and friends
I am thankful for my large wonderful family: the in-laws, the steps, the cousins and nephews! There’s always someone to celebrate with!
Love your quilt Brenda !!! I am most thankful for my family !! The last month has presented some real challenges but I am getting through it and looking ahead.
Thankyou so much for the beautiful inspiration and I LOVE your new website !!
I am thankful for an understanding husband…who bought me my first sewing machine 5 years ago. Who encourages me on tough day to do things I love. That calls every day while he drives over the road and always asks…did you get some sewing done today? I may not have the best machine or tons or this or that, but I am very blessed to have the best support system in my corner!
Love your sample! haven’t used the cupcake papers yet. Might have to put some in the lineup.
I am most thankful for my dear husband. We have been married for 46 years and he has stuck by my side through some rather severe health issues on my part as well as through a lot of good times. He’s an amazing guy!
I am so thankful for my family! I’m very blessed.
I am most thankful for time to be with my young-adult children, after being separated by distance for a while. Your quilts are lovely! Thank you for this generous offer : )
I’m thankful for my family, especially my two 90+ yr old grandmas!
I’m most thankful for my family and the 5 little blessings that bring us so much joy. Grand parenting is the best!
I am thankful for my family.
I’m thankful everyday that I am able to wake up.
Right now, I am most grateful for God’s patience with me!
I am so very thankful for my loving family! This is a great giveaway — I have used the cake mix papers once and loved them! Your fabric collections are some of my favorites, the soft colors are so great. Have used several of your lines in quilts already and look forward to your new lines coming out.
I’m most thankful for my family!
I am so thankful for my good health.
your quilt is so pretty and feminine - I would like to make one like it for at least one of my nieces. I am thankful for all the opportunities my life has given to me.
Very thankful for this life and all it includes….faith, family, friends.
Thank You for sharing a generous giveaway!
I’m thankful for family, health, freedom, the beauties of this world, personal talents like quilting that we can share with one another, and for generous creative designers!
I am so very thankful for my family! It starts with my husband, then my daughter & son, then two step-daughters and especially our ten grandchildren age nine and under!!